• Rupo 2 U16C girls Winter 2018
  • Winter 2021 grand final day - U16D boys Premiers!!
  • U16B boys 2018/2019 season
  • Winter 2021 grand final day

Return to basketball


“As lockdown continues to be extended, SBA have made the decision to extend our season until the end of December.

Grand Finals will be on the 18th of December (2-week finals series). This will mean we will have an extended Winter 2022 season. 

** Please note that Flight Path Program & Senior Domestic will mirror this **”

To our Rupo families:

As you know, the SBA put pressure on all the clubs of the Sunbury Basketball Association organise teams for the Summer Season to start in Term 4 of 2021.  

Each club has a committee who help organise their teams, and we are so thankful to the families who got back to our Rupertswood Basketball committee so quickly –  we were able to submit teams by the extended deadline of August 28th.

We understand that COVID19 has caused the season to fragment, and that not all games were played due to various restrictions and lockdowns.

Last week, the SBA notified us of 2 remaining options to decide on:

1.       To END the season, and restart in Term 4.   or
2.       Extend till December, and have a grand final on 18th December – have another long winter season starting in 2022.

As a committee, Rupo hoped that we could all start fresh in Term 4….. at this stage it is not to be.

Lockdown will continue at least until September 23rd (School holidays), and new season to start in 2022…..


Rupertswood Basketball Committee