Important Announcement re resumption of basketball
Hi all,
Basketball could resume in July.
The start of the season will be called Summer season with extra rounds but not sure how many yet depends on government allowed start date.
Our fees for this season will be based on rounds played & we will work this out when we know.
All players who paid deposits will have this rolled over to new season.
All players not returning can contact the Treasurer for a refund.
There will also be a change of age so player will go up early if they were meant to in September.
We have no idea when seniors will return at this stage.
COULD ALL PLAYERS email with their name, date of birth & current contact number. We will be using this information to create sides so this MUST be done prior to end of June.
Players will also need to register on Play HQ before they can train or play as it is Basketball Victoria insurance. It is $25.00 per year so covers player for 2 seasons. Information about registering to Player HQ is on the club website & a pinned post here on Facebook page.
Please contact the club if you have any problems with this. Remember, this MUST also be done prior to the end of June.
Thank you – Rupertswood Basketball Club